A Proud Part of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division

School Council

A school council is a means for parents and community members to work together with the principal and the school to support and enhance student learning. Anyone (parent, guardian, grandparent, etc) that attends council meetings will be considered a part of the school council and will have a vote in decisions. Learn more about school councils here.

Fulham School has a very active school council. Meetings are held once a month, the first Wednesday of the month, during school hours in the afternoon. All parents are welcome to attend and help support the programming put in place for the students. The school council actively fundraises so all students in the school can go on field trips and participate in programs brought into the school. Parents provide programs such as hot lunch and after school sports.

Executive Members

Chair: Terri-Jean Baillie

Vice Chair:  Courtney Apoll

Secretary:  Michelle Hussey

Treasurer:  Lynnette Klut