A Proud Part of Grande Yellowhead Public School Division

Junior Kindergarten

Online registration is now open for your little one to begin their new learning journey into our junior kindergarten or kindergarten programs for September 2025! We currently have limited openings in some programs for the upcoming school year so don’t wait to register so that your child is ensured a spot.

Make sure to register for junior kindergarten or kindergarten before April 30, 2025, for a chance to win a Chromebook for your family. All registrations confirmed prior to April 30th will be entered into a draw to a Chromebook. Winners will be announced by May 30, 2025, and Chromebooks will be delivered to the winners after September 30.

Our Junior Kindergarten classroom provides literacy and numeracy rich, play-based programming, full of opportunities for engaging creative and cultural expressions.  The class is led by our welcoming and dedicated teacher, Mrs. Walker, who is a certified teacher specialized in reading and numeracy instruction, and enthusiastic educational assistants. We are also happy to arrange access to supports and resources for early intervention for those students who require it.  All students enrolled in our Junior Kindergarten program have to be 4 years old by December 31st, 2025.  Jr-K kids will have to be driven to school and picked up by a parent, as they attend school from 8:30 until 11:30 every Tuesday and Thursday.  A $60 non-refundable registration fee will be charged and school fees are $140/month.

How do I register my child for Junior Kindergarten?

To register your child for Junior Kindergarten, please click here to access the online registration link and choose "New  GYPSD Student" to begin filling out your form.  If you have any questions, please contact our school and we will be pleased to assist you.